Hvers vegna er mikilvægt að rannsaka loftslag heimspekilega?

Stofa 101
David Garcimartín Arenas, doktorsnemi í heimspeki við Universidad Complutense de Madrid á Spáni, flytur fyrirlestur á vegum Heimspekistofnunar Háskóla Íslands. Fyrirlesturinn nefnist „Why is it important to study climate philosophically?“ Dr. Ole Martin Sandberg, forsvarsmaður rannsóknarverkefnisins Climate Crisis and Affect stýrir fundi.
Haldið í stofu 101 í Árnagarði, þriðjudaginn 25. mars kl. 12.00-13.00. Fyrirlesturinn tekur um tuttugu mínútur og í kjölfarið verður boðið upp á umræður.
In his presentation, David Garcimartín, explores the philosophical significance of the concept of climate, emphasizing its historical, cultural, and imaginative dimensions. While climate is often discussed in scientific and political contexts, its deeper implications reveal how societies perceive nature and crisis. The talk examines historical perspectives on climate determinism, from Hippocrates to modern climatology, highlighting recurring patterns of fear and inaction. Drawing on the environmental humanities, it argues that addressing climate change requires not only scientific insight but also philosophical reflection. By reframing climate discourse, philosophy can contribute to fostering agency, envisioning alternative futures, and challenging the prevailing sense of inevitability surrounding the climate crisis.
David Garcimartín Arenas is a PhD student in philosophy at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain, researching the concept of climate in the philosophical tradition.
David Garcimartín Arenas, doktorsnemi í heimspeki við Universidad Complutense de Madrid á Spáni.