Framhaldsnám við Matvæla- og næringarfræðideild felur í sér að stórum hluta rannsóknarverkefni. Möguleiki er á að taka rannsóknarverkefni sem tengist báðum námsgreinum og eru með leiðbeinendur úr báðum námsgreinum. Hægt er að leita að lokaverkefnum nemenda eftir titli eða nafni nemenda í Skemmunni (undir Heilbrigðisvísindasviði). Skemman er rafrænt gagnasafn fyrir háskólana. Rannsóknarverkefni deildar Yfirlit yfir rannsóknir deildar í IRIS rannsóknargátt AccelWater BIOZOOSTAIN Science and policy for a healthy future Nutrition & Body Composition in Infancy Sprintt Sustainable Healthy Diets HBM4EY Science and policy for a healthy future. Horizon 2020, EU PROMISS Prevention Of Malnutrition In Senior Subjects in the EU. Horizon 2020, EU EUthyroid Towards elimination of iodine deficiency in Europe. Horizon 2020, EU MooDFOOD Preventing despression through food. 7th FW, EU SEAFOODplus Health promoting, safe seafood of high eating quality in a consumer driven fork-to-farm concept Nordic Nutrition Recommendations 2022 TraceMyFish QualiSea BlueGreen Feed SYMBIOSIS Coexistence of humans and microorganisms in daily life Salted fish for the future Doktorsverkefni í gangi Verkefni Leiðbeinandi The fate of depositing airborne microorganisms into pioneer terrestrial communities Viggó Þór Marteinsson Nutritional status of the elderly after discharge from the acute geriatric unit – a pilot study Socioeconomic status, food security and food availability. Ólöf Guðný Geirsdóttir og Alfons Ramel Meals, Microbiota & Mental Health of Children & Adolescents Bryndís Eva Birgisdóttir og Bertrand Andre Marc Lauth Popped barley. Properties and product development. Björn Viðar Aðalbjörnsson Metagenomics and -transcriptomics of microbes in Icelandic marine waters to better understand physiological response to changing environmental conditions. Viggó Þór Marteinsson Maternal dietary patterns and gestational diabetes mellitus Ingibjörg Gunnarsdóttir Fish proteins for human consumption – redesign of fish meal and oil processes María Guðjónsdóttir The influence of viscosity on the phosphorescence lifetime of folic acid in aqueous room temperature solutions. Kristberg Kristbergsson The distribution, diversity and abundance of autotrophic eukaryotic plankton in the marine waters surrounding Iceland in context of environmental change. Viggó Þór Marteinsson Properties of peptides derived from fish skin and whey related to skin health Guðmundur Óli Hreggviðsson Development of Solid Lipid Nanoparticles as Delivery Systems for Bioactive Ingredients in Foods Kristberg Kristbergsson Future Fish - 3D printing of seafood. María Guðjónsdóttir Characterization of hip fractured men and women in AGES Reykjavik Study. Þórhallur Ingi Halldórsson Phosphorus requirement in marine shrimp, Penaeus vannamei Guðjón Þorkelsson Effects of packaging methods and storage temperature on the quality of Cobia (Rachycentron canadum) fillets during frozen storage, Protein quality changes during fish processing Sigurjón Arason Predictors of healthy aging and risk of nursing home placement Ólöf Guðný Geirsdóttir og Alfons Ramel Flavour compounds in seaweed extracts. Bragðefni úr íslensku þangi Björn Viðar Aðalbjörnsson Lokin doktorsverkefni Nafn Verkefni Grein Dagsetn. Hrafnhildur Eymundsdóttir Association between vitamin D and cognitive function in Icelandic older adults: AGES Reykjavík study Næringarfr. 26. júní 2020 Hildur Inga Sveinsdóttir Value addition from Atlantic mackerel (Scomber scombrus) fillets - Study of shelf life, chemical properties and processability of mackerel caught in Icelandic waters Matvælafr. 30. apríl 2020 Stefán Þór Eysteinsson Characterization and potential valorization of Calanus Finmarchicus from pelagic side-streams. Matvælafr. 29. apríl 2020 Álfheiður Haraldsdóttir The role of adolescent growth rate and diet across the lifespan in breast cancer risk. Lýðheilsuvísindi 21. febrúar 2020 Gunnar Birgir Sandholt Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) trypsin - isoenzyme diversity and antiviral activity Matvælafr. 15. febrúar 2019 Áróra Rós Ingadóttir Oral nutrition supplements vs. energy- and protein dense in between meal snacks, weight changes and functional capacity in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; randomized controlled dietary intervention Næringarfr. 12. nóvember 2018 Huang Thi Thu Dang ENHANCING THE QUALITY OF FROZEN FISH PRODUCTS THROUGH OPTIMIZATION OF FREEZING METHODS AND STORAGE CONDITIONS Matvælafr. 3. október 2018 Birna Þórisdóttir Innviðir rannsókna og grundvöllur ráðlegginga um næringu barna Næringarfr. 23. ágúst 2018 Laufey Hrólfsdóttir Examining the link between maternal nutrition, gestational weight gain, and later offspring health Næringarfr. 11.febrúar 2018 Magdalena M Stefaniak Viðarsson Evaluation of bioactive properties of marine-derived polysaccharide extracts Matvælafr. 6. desember 2017 Paulina Elzbieta Wasik Quality optimisation of frozen mackerel products. (Hámörkun gæða frosinna makrílafurða.) Matvælafr. 30. september 2016 Cyprian Ogombe Odoli Drying and smoking of capelin (Mallotus villosus) and sardine (Sardinella gibbosa) The influence on physicochemical properties and consumer acceptance Matvælafr. 22. október 2015 Óla Kallý Magnúsdóttir Whole grain - an important part of a healthy Nordic diet Undirtitill: Alkylresorcinols as biomarkers for whole grain wheat and rye intake. (Heilkorn í hollu norrænu mataræði og tengsl lífvísa við blóðsykurstjórnun.) Næringarfr. 24. október 2014 Magnea Guðrún Karlsdóttir Oxidative mechanisms and stability of frozen fish products. (Oxunarferlar og stöðugleiki frosinna sjávarafurða) Matvælafr. 21. mars 2014 Cindy Mari Imai Early growth and later health - Influence of birth size and childhood growth on cardiovascular disease risk factors and mortality. (Áhrif fæðingarstærðar og vaxtar í bernsku á áhættuþætti og dánartíðni vegna hjarta- og æðasjúkdóma) Næringarfr. 13. febrúar 2014 Svandís Erna Jónsdóttir An exploration of public health nutrition practice - The Healthy Nordic Diet. (Verklag í lýðheilsunæringarfræði - Heilsusamlegt norrænt mataræði) Næringarfr. 7. febrúar 2014 Atli Arnarson The effects of resistance exercise and dietary intake on health-related outcomes in elderly people. (Áhrif styrktarþjálfunar og fæðu á heilsutengda þætti hjá eldra fólki) Næringarfr. 13. júní 2013 Sigrún Mjöll Halldórsdóttir New and improved strategies for producing bioactive fish protein hydrolysates - Oxidative processes and the use of natural antioxidants during enzymatic hydrolysis. (Nýjar og bættar aðferðir við að framleiða vatnsrofin fiskprótein með lífvirka eiginleika - Oxunarferlar og notkun náttúrulegra andoxunarefna við ensímatískt vatnsrof) Matvælafr. 30. maí 2013 Ólöf Helga Jónsdóttir The effects of diet during the first six months of life on health outcomes in infancy and early childhood (Næring ungbarna fyrstu sex mánuði ævinnar og áhrif hennar á heilsuþætti á ungbarnaskeiði og í barnæsku) Næringarfr. 8. mars 2013 Ása Vala Þórisdóttir Diet and iron status in Icelandic infants - following a revision in infants’ dietary recommendations (Mataræði og járnbúskapur íslenskra ungbarna - í kjölfar endurbættra ráðlegginga um mataræði ungbarna) Næringarfr. 8. febrúar 2013 Tinna Eysteinsdóttir Lifelong nutrition and bone health among the elderly - Validity of a food frequency questionnaire on intake at different periods of life, and the association between lifelong consumption of milk and cod liver oil and hip bone mineral density in old age (Næring á lífsleiðinni og beinheilsa aldraðra. - Mat á gildi spurningalista um neyslu á mismunandi æviskeiðum og tengsl mjólkur- og lýsisneyslu á lífsleiðinni við beinheilsu aldraðra) Næringarfr. 5. október 2012 Ólöf Guðný Geirsdóttir Physical activity and dietary intake in community dwelling older adults. Associations with body composition, muscle strength, physical function and other health-related outcomes (Hreyfing og næring eldra fólks í sjálfstæðri búsetu - Tengsl við líkamssamsetningu, vöðvastyrk, hreyfigetu og aðra heilsutengda þætti) Næringarfr. 19. desember 2011 Minh Van Nguyen Effects of Different Processing Methods on the Physicochemical Properties of Heavily Salted Cod (Áhrif mismunandi verkunarferla á eðlis- og efnaeiginleika fullverkaðs saltfisks) Matvælafr. 14. desember 2011 Gholam Reza Shaviklo Properties and applications of fish proteins in value added convenience foods. (Eiginleikar og notkun fiskpróteina í tilbúnum matvælum) Matvælafr. 10. september 2010 Þrándur Helgason Formation of Solid Lipid Nanoparticles as Delivery Systems for Bioactive Ingredients. (Örferjur fyrir lífvirk efni) Matvælafr. 6. september 2010 Mai Thi Tuyet Nga Enhancing quality management of fresh fish supply chains through improved logistics and ensured tracability (Efld gæðastjórnun á ferskum fiski með bættri vörustjórnun og rekjanleika frá veiðum og til neytenda) Matvælafr. 30. júní 2010 Tao Wang Enhancing the quality of seafood products through new preservation techniques and seaweed based antioxidants - Algal polyphenols as novel natural antioxidants (Bætt gæði sjávarafurða með nýjum geymsluaðferðum og þörungum - Fjölfenól sem náttúruleg andoxunarefni). Matvælafr. 8. desember 2009 Kolbrún Sveinsdóttir Improved seafood sensory quality for the consumer - Sensory characteristics of different cod products and consumer acceptance (Bætt skynræn gæði sjávarfangs fyrir neytandann - Skynrænir gæðaeiginleikar mismunandi þorskafurða og smekkur neytenda). Matvælafr. 25. september 2009 Ása Guðrún Kristjánsdóttir Nutrition in School Children. Determainants and Promotion of Healthy Eating (Næring skólabarna - þættir sem ákvarða og stuðla að hollu mataræði) Næringarfr. 26. júní 2009 Hólmfríður Sveinsdóttir Exploring changes in the proteome of early Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) larvae with age and in response to environmental factors (Rannsóknir á breytileika próteintjáningar í þorsklirfum með aldri og sem viðbrögð við umhverfisþáttum.) Matvælafr. 8. maí 2009 Helga Margrét Pálsdóttir The novel group III trypsin Y and its expression in the Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) Matvælafr. 23. júní 2006 Anna Sigríður Ólafsdóttir Diet and lifestyle of women of childbearing age. Impact of cod liver oil consumption on maternal health, birth outcome and breast milk composition and associations between diet, lifestyle and weight gain in pregnancy Næringarfr. 24. febrúar 2006 Björn Sigurður Gunnarsson Iron status in Icelandic children and associations with nutrition, growth and development. (Járnbúskapur íslenskra barna og tengsl við mataræði, vöxt og þroska.) Næringarfr. 4. nóvember 2005 Guðrún Ólafsdóttir Volatile compounds as quality indicators in chilled fish: Evaluation of microbial metabolites by an electronic nose Matvælafr. 26. ágúst 2005 Ingibjörg Gunnarsdóttir Nutrition and growth in early life – role in the prevention of cardiovascular disease. Associations between size at birth, growth and feeding in early life and coronary heart disease risk factors. (Næring og vöxtur snemma á lífsleiðinni - þáttur í forvörnum hjarta- og æðasjúkdóma) Næringarfr. 17. október 2003 Bryndís Eva Birgisdóttir Influence of nutrition on prevention of diabetes mellitus: cow’s milk and type 1 diabetes, weight gain in pregnancy, size at birth and type 2 diabetes Næringarfr. 15. júní 2002 Lokin meistaraverkefni Verkefni Grein Ár Vitamin D status before and after bariatric surgery in Landspítali. Næringarfr. 2020 Nausea in the first trimester of pregnancy. Associations with dietary intake, body mass index, weight gain and complications during pregnancy. Næringarfr. 2020 Nutrition, intestinal permeability and mental- and neurodevelopmental disorders in children. Næringarfr. 2020 Feasibility of Future Participation of Landspítali Hospital in the International nutritionDay Study.<br /> An Exploration of Malnutrition in Hospitals and Organization of Nutrition Services. Næringarfr. 2020 Vitamin D status in pregnancy and the association with gestational diabetes mellitus. Næringarfr. 2020 Games for nutrition education of children - The GaNE project. Næringarfr. 2020 Impact of mixing different plant proteins on the gel properties as a function of the gelation method. Matvælafr. 2020 Winterization of zooplankton and pelagic oils. Matvælafr. 2019 Nutrition knowledge among Icelandic elite athletes and their coaches. Development and pilot testing of a questionnaire Næringarfr. 2019 Control of meat quality in a slaughterhouse Matvælafr. 2019 Current and future markets for Calanus finmarchicus Matvælafr. 2019 Utilization of by-products from the salmon industry - The chemical composition and storage stability of Atlantic salmon Matvælafr. 2019 Assessment of exposure to toxic elements and veterinary drug residues through seafood consumption in Bangladesh. Matvælafr. 2019 The effect of insulated food container design on fish quality and transport costs. Matvælafr. 2019 Low-FODMAP diet for individual with irritable bowel syndrome. Desirability and cost-effective of nutrition therapy. Næringarfr. 2019 An innovative photobioreactor and dryer design for production of Astaxanthin. Matvælafr. 2018 Body composition and training levels in relation to iron deficiency among athletes and other physically active individuals. Næringarfr. 2018 The process behind product development and marketing - Founding Arctic Barley. Matvælafr. 2018 Updating Ora Quality Manual to BRC standard - Importance of food safety and quality systems in food industry Matvælafr. 2018 Product development of meals for elderly people living at home with risk of malnutrition. Matvælafr. 2018 The Golden head; Effect of size and season of catch on physicochemical properties of cod heads. Matvælafr. 2018 Intake of omega-3 fatty acids from supplements and risk of depression. The SAGA cohort pilot study. Næringarfr. 2018 Popped barley. Properties and product development. Matvælafr. 2018 Effects of packaging methods and storage temperature on the quality of Cobia (Rachycentron canadum) fillets during frozen storage. Matvælafr. 2018 Nutrition therapy for patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD). Postprandial blood glucose, acceptance and total energy and protein intake. Næringafr. 2018 Development of cod roe spread product. Matvælafr. 2018 Dietary patterns during adolescence and risk of colorectal cancer. A population-based study in Iceland Næringafr. 2017 Iodine status of breastfed infants at 5.5 months: A cross-sectional study of Icelandic infants Næringafr. 2017 Effects of different smoking methods on the formation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and physicochemical quality in smoked Atlantic mackerel products Matvælafr. 2017 Assessing validity of the FFQ used in the SAGA cohort study with special focus on milk and fruit. Background factors and dietary feedback. Næringafr. 2017 The influence of viscosity on the phosphorescence lifetime of folic acid in aqueous room temperature solutions Matvælafr. 2017 Separation and utilization of nutrients from Palmaria palmata Matvælafr. 2017 Nutritional status of the elderly after discharge from the acute geriatric unit – a pilot study Socioeconomic status, food security and food availability. Næringafr. 2017 Nutritional content of infant commercial foods and formulas available in Iceland 2016 Næringafr. 2017 Product develoment of new protein products - Freeze-drying of skyr Matvælafr. 2017 Diabetes group education on self-management for people with type 2 diabetes mellitus. Changes in nutritional knowledge, diet and clinical outcomes at 12 weeks. Næringafr. 2017 Development of a new milk product from follow-on formula for young children Matvælafr. 2017 Nutritional Status of Heart Failure Outpatients. Food, function and feelings. Næringafr. 2017 Physicochemical properties of nematodes found in the Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua). Matvælafr. 2017 The diet of young Icelanders with psychotic disorders and weight development over 12 months period. Næringafr. 2017 Annually variation in lipid composition and vitamin content in the liver of cod and saith Matvælafr. 2016 Optimized Sea Transport of Fresh Fillets and Loins. Quality and Cost Matvælafr. 2016 Isolation, hydrolysation and bioactive properties of collagen from cod skin Matvælafr. 2016 Chemicals in plastic containers. Examining water from plastic bottles sold in Iceland. Matvælafr. 2016 Effects of bleeding conditions and storage method on the quality of Atlantic Cod Matvælafr. 2016 Stability of lightly salted cod fillets (Gadus morhua) during frozen storage - Factors affecting the stability and the product variability Matvælafr. 2016 Supplement use in the older population of Iceland. Multivitamin use and risk of cardiovascular disease mortality Næringafr. 2016 Development of enriched foods with encapsulated omega-3 and seaweed extract Matvælafr. 2016 Diet and children with Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder-a pilot study. Compliance and influence of a healthy diet. Næringafr. 2016 Health and nutritional promotion in a workplace. Næringafr. 2016 Nutritional status of patients at geriatric unit. Their attitude and wastage of food Klín Næringafr. 2016 Shelf-life of fresh foal meat. Effect of modified atmosphere packaging. Matvælafr. 2016 Characterisation of bioactive fucoidan polysaccharides from Icelandic algae Matvælafr. 2016 Exposure to Selenium, Arsenic, Cadmium and Mercury from seafood in the Icelandic population based on Total Diet Studies methodology Næringafr. 2016 Anti-diabetic properties of Fucus vesiculosus and pine bark extracts using the adipocyte cell model Matvælafr. 2016 Marinated and dried blue whiting (Micromesistius poutassou) Matvælafr. 2016 The effect of thermal treatments on the stability of fresh and frozen cod liver Matvælafr. 2015 Effects of frozen storage on quality of Atlantic mackerel (Scombrus scomber) caught in Icelandic Waters Matvælafr. 2015 Dietary intake and cardiovascular risk factors in Icelanders following a low carbohydrate diet Næringafr. 2015 Various degrees of food processing, effect on postprandial blood sugar, satiety and cognitive performance Næringafr. 2015 Testing different antioxidants during hydrolysis of fish protein. Matvælafr. 2015 Correlation of vitamin D deficiency and poor glucose regulation/diabetes mellitus in patients with Parkinson’s Disease Næringafr. 2015 Few foods diet - a pilot study on compliance and effect on behaviour in children with ADHD - Næringafr. 2015 Utilization and stability of cod liver during frozen storage. Matvælafr. 2015 Stability of lightly salted fillets during frozen storage. Matvælafr. 2015 Dietary patterns and sociodemographic factors associated with cod liver oil consumption among 10 -11 year old children Næringafr. 2015 Persistent organic pollutants, diet and blood cholesterol. Næringafr. 2015 Quality and safety of leafy vegetables on the market in Iceland Matvælafr. 2015 Implementation and verification of an analytical method for the quantification of biogenic amines in seafood products. Matvælafr. 2015 Healthy fruit juices with probiotics and fiber Matvælafr. 2015 Mackerel (Scomber scombrus), processing properties. Effect of catching season, freezing and cold storage on physical and chemical characteristics of mackerel. Vinnslueiginleikar makríls (Scomber scombrus) Matvælafr. 2014 Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Mussel from Iceland: Food safety and environmental aspect Matvælafr. 2014 Dietary intake and nutritional status of inflammatory bowel disease patients Næringafr. 2014 Ready to eat meals enriched with omega-3. Product development and consumer study Matvælafr. 2014 Bioavailability of n-3 fatty acids from enriched meals and from microencapsulated powder Næringafr. 2014 Maternal dietary patterns and gestational diabetes mellitus Næringafr. 2014 Energy- and protein intake of surgical patients after the implementation of new hospital menus. Patients satisfaction with hospital food Næringafr. 2014 Algengi og forspárþættir fæðutengdrar vanlíðunar Lýðheilsuvísindi 2014 High Quality Redfish Fillets for Export - Improving handling, processing and storage methods to increase shelf life Matvælafr. 2014 Edible seaweed for taste enhancement and salt replacement by enzymatic methods Matvælafr. 2014 Application of water jet cutting in processing of cod and salmon fillets Matvælafr. 2014 Autumn vitamin D intake and status in 7-year-old Icelandic school children. Næringafr. 2014 Dietary intake and blood lipid profile in six-year-old Icelandic children 2001-2002 and 2011-2012 Næringafr. 2013 Nano-laminated Fish Oil droplets: Influence of Chitosan charge density on emulsion stability Matvælafr. 2013 Methods to evaluate dietary intake of hospitalized patients Validation of a plate diagram sheet for estimation of energy and protein intake of inpatients Næringafr. 2013 Relationship between protein intake in the first year of life and body mass index and IGF-1 concentration at six years Næringafr. 2013 Energy and protein intake of patients at the Department of Cardiothoracic surgery, Landspítali – The National University Hospital of Iceland Næringafr. 2013 Individuals with morbid obesity in Reykjalundur: Dropout and success in treatment Næringafr. 2013 Maternal milk consumption, birth size and adult height of offspring Næringafr. 2013 Seasonal variation in lipid stability of salted cod muscle - Effect of copper (II) chloride on lipid oxidation Matvælafr. 2012 Urban-rural differences in body weight, diet and education among Icelandic adults Næringafr. 2012 24-hour urine sodium and potassium excretion in six-year-old children and their parents-Association to diet quality and blood pressure Næringafr. 2012 Methodology used in the Icelandic National Nutritional Survey 2010/2011 Næringafr. 2012 Effects of two different types of fast food on postprandial metabolism in normal- and overweight subjects Næringafr. 2012 Dietary Selenium and Whole Blood Selenium in Young Women in Iceland Næringafr. 2011 Tracking of serum cholesterol concentration and dietary intake from infancy to early childhood Næringafr. 2011 Examing suspected dietary predictors of gestational hypertension in Iceland Næringafr. 2011 Changes in fruit and vegetable consumption in 11-year old Icelandic children between year 2003 and 2009 Næringafr. 2011 Nordic monitoring of diet among 7- to 17 year old children in Iceland and Denmark-Validation of methods Næringafr. 2011 Analysing data from quality control of drinking water in Reykjavik Matvælafr. 2011 Iodine status of Icelandic pregnant women. Adherence to Food Based Dietary Guidelines Næringafr. 2011 Application of additives in chilled and frozen white fish fillets - Effects on chemical and physicochemical properties Matvælafr. 2010 Fruit and Vegetable intgake in 7-9-year –old children. Effect of a school-based intervention on fruit and vegetable intake at school and at home Næringafr. 2010 Iron status of 9- and 15-y-old Icelandic children and adolescents. Iron intake and bioavailability of iron from different meals Næringafr. 2010 The influence of enzyme activity on physical properties in cod fillet products Matvælafr. 2010 Activity of Atlantic cod trypsin towards cytokines and other proteins Matvælafr. 2009 Microbiology and Spoilage Trail in Nile Perch (Lates niloticus), Lake Victoria, Tanzania. Matvælafr. 2009 Optimal storage conditions for fresh farmed tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) fillets; Matvælafr. 2009 Health effects of lean fish consumption in overweight and obese young adults following an energy-restricted diet for eight weeks Næringafr. 2008 Viðhorf og fiskneyslu ungs fólks: Bætta ímynd sjávarafurða Matvælafr. 2008 Evaluation and Utilisation of Fish Protein Isolate Matvælafr. 2008 Assessment of iodine and mercury status of Icelandic adolescent girls Næringafr. 2008 Measurement & development of european consensus on core competencies and curricula required for effective public health nutrition practice Næringafr. 2008 Research on dietary intake on Icelandic 3- and 5-yar old children Næringafr. 2008 Effects of sociodemographic factors on adherence to breastfeeding and other important infant dietary recommendations Næringafr. 2008 Nutritional treatment of overweight and obbese 20-40 year old icelanders: Varying intensity of clinical guidance in 1 year with or without intensive 8 weeks start Næringafr. 2008 Rheology and Microstructure of Skyr Matvælafr. 2007 The effects of new public health recommendations on infant growth and energy- and protein intake Næringafr. 2007 Research on breastfeeding and food consumption among Icelandic infants and the effects of new infant recommendations Næringafr. 2007 The effects of new public health recommendation on iron status of 12-month-old Icelandic-infants Næringafr. 2007 Effects of diets for young adults varying in fish and fish oil content on weightloss and anthropometry: EU-Project SEAFOODplus YOUNG Næringafr. 2007 Influence of Molecular Character on Fat Binding, Lipase Activity and Bioavailability of Oil Emulsion, in Vitro Digestion Model Matvælafr. The effect of energy-restricted diets, varying in fish protein and fish oil, on appetite and the level of adiposity signals and appetite-regulatory hormones in young overweight adults in Europe Næringafr. 2007 Effects of weight loss on risk factors of the metabolic syndrome - special effects of inclusion and exclusion of seafood Næringafr. 2007 Eating habits and dietary treatment of young overweight people in Europe Næringafr. 2006 Predictors of compliance to a weight-reducing program of maintenance of weight loss:following a European intervengtion study Næringafr. 2006 Handbook for Establishing Quality Assurance Systems in Fish Inspection Matvælafr. 2006 Association between health variables among 6-year-old children and their parents – diet, body weight and blood lipids Næringafr. 2005 Diet and body composition of 9- and15-year-old children in Iceland Næringafr. 2005 Matvælafr. 2004 Fruit and vegetable consumption among eleven-year –old children and their parents in Iceland Næringafr. 2004 Matvælafr. 2003 Pregnancy-delivery complications and birth outcome associated with consumption of fish and fish liver oil and nutrient supplementation in pregnancy Næringafr. 2003 Nutrition and health of six-year-old Icelandic children – Validity of methods Næringafr. 2003 Weight gain in women of normal weight before pregnancy: complications in pregnancy or delivery and birth outcome Næringafr. 2001 A study on nutritional status in two patients groups at Landspítalinn University hospital Næringafr. 2001 Matvælafr. 2001 Dietary intake of breastfeeding Icelandic women and fat-soluble nutrients in human milk Næringafr. 2000 Research on dietary intake of Icelandic 2-year-old children Næringafr. 2000 Matvælafr. 2000 Per capita supply of food in Iceland 1956-1995” and “Changes in the prevalence of overweight and obesity in men and women aged 45-64 in Reykjavik 1975-1994 Næringafr. 1999 Nutritional status among patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and patients fed enteral and parenteral nutrition Næringafr. 1999 Matvælafr. 1999 Research on infant nutrition in Iceland Næringafr. 1998 Matvælafr. 1997 Matvælafr. 1997 facebooklinkedintwitter