GPMLS Fyrirlestur - Vignir Helgason

Fróði Auditorium DeCode
Dr. Helgason will give a talk titled: Target Mitochondrial Metabolism in Leukaemic Stem Cells
Dr. Helgason earned a B.Sc. in Biology from the University of Iceland in 2000 and worked at deCODE genetics for three years. He pursued a Ph.D. in Prof. Kevin Ryan’s “Tumour Cell Death Laboratory” at the Cancer Research UK Beatson Institute, graduating from the University of Glasgow in October 2007. After two post-doctoral positions in Prof. Tessa Holyoake’s lab, he was awarded a Kay Kendall Leukaemia Fund Research Fellowship in 2013. This fellowship supported his transition to an independent research group at the Wolfson Wohl Cancer Research Centre. Dr. Helgason also received the John Goldman Fellowship for Future Science, and through various achievements, he was promoted to a Reader in Cancer Research in August 2020. Dr. Helgason's team conducts translational research aligning with the vision of Wolfson Wohl Cancer Research Centre, CRUK Beatson Institute, and CRUK Glasgow Cancer Centre. Primarily focused on Chronic Myeloid Leukaemia (CML), the team, leveraging Glasgow's clinical expertise, is expanding into related leukaemias and myeloproliferative neoplasms. Their overarching goal is to target appropriate therapy to the stem cell compartment, addressing drug resistance. Current projects revolve around "Leukaemia Stem Cells," "Autophagy," "Cancer Metabolism," and the "Leukaemia Niche."
Vignir Helgason, Professor in Cancer Research at the Institute of Cancer Sciences, University of Glasgow