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David Cook - Aðjunkt

David Cook

Verkfræði- og náttúruvísindasvið

David Cook



I am currently an Adjunct Lecturer at the University of Iceland, linked to the Environment and Natural Resources programme ( My research focuses on the interlinkages between economies and human well-being, with a focus on the valuation of ecosystem services in the Arctic. I am also employed by the University of Iceland as a lecturer in Environmental Economics. In 2018, I completed my PhD in Environment and Natural Resources at the University of Iceland. My project focused on the development of an economic model for evaluating the environmental costs of utilising geothermal energy.

  • Aðsetur
    Gimli / G-337
  • Sími
  • Tölvupóstur
    dac [hjá]
  • Starfseining
    Umhverfis- og auðlindafræði