Málstofu í félags- og hagsögu: Martin Schuler

Stofa 304
Martin Schuler, svissneskur landfræðingur, prof.hon. frá École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), heldur erindi í Málstofu í félags- og hagsögu sem nefnist „Population of Iceland, farm by farm, 1703-2020.“
Haldið í stofu 304 í Árnagarði, þriðjudaginn 25. mars kl. 16:00-17:00. Verið öll velkomin.
Um erindið:
Iceland has a long and rich heritage of population statistics including data on inhabitants of farms, homes and households. Census data until 1950 and National Register data since then have been almost completely preserved and allow excellent comparison over time. In 1995, the author published a statistical compilation titled Búsetuþróun á Íslandi 1880-1990 (Settlement history of Iceland 1880-1990) and has since then extended his research to cover the census of 1703 and the period 1801–1870, as well to the results of the National Register for the years 2000, 2010, and 2020. The data on inhabitants of each settlement unit in rural areas are broken down on districts (sýslur) and municipalities (sveitarfélög). In addition, inhabitants of urban dwellings in growing towns of up to 100 inhabitants are also counted. The data has been supplemented with information from other sources such as local and settlement histories (byggðarsögur).
Martin Schuler, svissneskur landfræðingur, prof.hon. frá École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL).