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Málstofa fyrir doktorsnema og fræðafólk við Menntavísindasvið

Málstofa fyrir doktorsnema og fræðafólk við Menntavísindasvið - á vefsíðu Háskóla Íslands
11. apríl 2025 11:30 til 14:10

Stakkahlíð / Háteigsvegur

Stofa K-207

Aðgangur ókeypis

Fyrirlestur og vinnustofa um kynverund, kynheilbrigði, samþykki og sambönd þar sem hann fjallar meðal annars um nýlegar breytingar í tengslum við kynfræðslu í Svíþjóð. Kalle Berggren, lektor við deild Child and Youth Studies við háskólann í Stokkhólmi heldur fyrirlestur og stýrir vinnustofu.

Kl.11.30-14.10 11. apríl í stofu K-207 í Stakkahlíð.


Sexuality education is an important but contested issue around the world. The Nordic countries are often considered progressive in this respect, with sex education having been part of school’s missions for decades. Yet, an evaluation in Sweden in 2018 documented a largely unsatisfactory situation. Many teachers reported being uncomfortable talking about the very topic, as well as having a hard time keeping up with the changing nature of the questions, including the increasing inclusion of LGBTQ issues. Students, on the other hand, were often not given the space to have their own questions and concerns heard.

However, since 2022, sexuality education is undergoing rapid development in Sweden. The topic has formally been renamed “sexuality, consent and relationships”. University courses have been developed to meet the need for proper training for teachers-to-be. Teaching materials have been produced by a wide range of actors. This talk presents and discusses the recent shift of sexuality education in Sweden, highlighting both the benefits and potential drawbacks of current developments.

The accompanying workshop offers participants an opportunity to discuss similarities and differences, opportunities and challenges, issues and strategies ahead in the Nordic countries.

Short bio

Kalle Berggren is an Associate Professor at the Department of Child and Youth Studies, Stockholm University. He has a background in sociology and gender studies, and his research interests include hip hop in Sweden, youth intimate partner violence, men and maculinity, as well as intersectional perspectives. Berggren has been involved in developing university courses on sexuality education at Stockholm university.


Málstofa fyrir doktorsnema og fræðafólk við Menntavísindasvið