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Fyrirlestur í heimspeki: Carol Hay

Fyrirlestur í heimspeki: Carol Hay - á vefsíðu Háskóla Íslands
3. október 2023 15:00 til 16:30


Stofa 220

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Carol Hay heldur fyrirlestur á vegum Heimspekistofnunar HÍ 3. október kl. 15:00-16:30 í stofu 220, Aðalbyggingu Háskóla Íslands. Fyrirlesturinn nefnist „Radical Rational Reconstruction“. Fyrirlesturinn verður á ensku og er opinn öllum.

Útdráttur á ensku:

A central task for anyone interested in using canonical philosophy to shed light on the contemporary political landscape is to consider whether the explicitly sexist, racist, homophobic, transphobic, colonialist, and ableist statements historical theorists too often make can be uncoupled from the core of the theories themselves.  As a Kantian, and a feminist, I’ve watched my own views on this question evolve considerably over the course of my career.   

In this paper I identify, and consider the relative merits of, two distinct strategies of Kantian rational reconstruction.  (1) Apologist rational reconstruction dismisses Kant’s oppressive statements as permissibly ignorable—either mere products of their time, or appearing in works deemed canonically peripheral.  It thereby aims to reconstruct a relatively straightforward account of what Kant should have said, by his own lights, that’s useful for the purposes of contemporary liberatory social movements. (2) Radical rational reconstruction, on the other hand, takes seriously the possibility that Kant’s oppressive statements ramify throughout his work, and consciously attends to the distinctive experiences of those who are oppressed.  It thereby aims to shift the problems Kantian theorists take up, reorient conventional Kantian tenets, and, ultimately, reconstruct new Kantian frameworks capable of exposing and ameliorating oppressive injustices.  

Um fyrirlesarann:

Dr. Carol Hay er prófessor við heimspekideild Háskólans í Massachusetts Lowell. Í rannsóknum sínum hefur hún einkum beint sjónum sínum að analýtískum femínisma, frjálslyndir stjórnspeki, kúgunarfræðum, kantískri siðfræði og heimspeki ástar og kynlífs. Nýleg bók hennar, Think Like a Feminist: The Philosophy Behind the Revolution (W.W. Norton & Co., 2020, 2022) hefur nú þegar verið þýdd yfir á frönsku, kóresku og kínversku.

Carol Hay, prófessor við heimspekideild Háskólans í Massachusetts Lowell.

Fyrirlestur í heimspeki: Carol Hay