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Fyrirlestur Heimspekistofnunar: Manfred Milz

Fyrirlestur Heimspekistofnunar: Manfred Milz - á vefsíðu Háskóla Íslands
28. september 2023 15:00 til 16:30


Stofa 220

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Manfred Milz heldur fyrirlestur á vegum Heimspekistofnunar 28. september kl. 15:00-16:30 í stofu A220, Aðalbyggingu Háskóla Íslands. Fyrirlesturinn nefnist „Maine de Biran’s Physio-Spiritualism: Psycho-Physiological and Psycho-pathological Self-Investigations between 1800 and 1824“. Fyrirlesturinn verður á ensku og er opinn öllum.

Útdráttur á ensku:

While outlining a genealogy of French existentialist phenomenology, one motive in particular echoes throughout, despite critical differences between the concerned thinkers – from Henri Bergson via Merleau-Ponty to Marc Richir – as a common denominator, that of the embodied or incorporated mind. This historical fact invites us – initially – to a quest for their mutual prospective potential antecedent(s) in deeper layered sediments of French Romanticist philosophy of intériorité, around 1800. Subject of this talk therefore is the groundbreaking notion of the embodied mind, as explored by the yet little known French philosopher François-Gonthier-Pierre Maine de Biran (1766-1824). According to Biran, consciousness is generated through frequent interaction between the voluntary and the spiritual. The conscious, active self is constituted in its sovereign autonomy, as free and undivided, by an inner act of willfull resistance, a physical effort towards its own body and the world. Maine de Biran’s concept of the embodied mind proves to be most suitable to alert our consciousness today, while people are being exceedingly exposed to and submerged by comforting invasive virtual realities of metaverses that essentially minimize their physical and intellectual resistance-potential to generate will and effort through a prothesis culture.

Um fyrirlesarann:

Dr. Manfred Milz er rannsakandi og gestadósent við Háskólann í Regensburg. Milz hefur sérhæft sig í samspili myndlistar, bókmennta og heimspeki frá 1800 til 21. aldarinnar og hefur gefið út bækur og greinar um Alberto Giacometti, Samuel Beckett, Caspar David Friedrich, Wassily Kandinsky, Robert Motherwell og Henri Bergson (svo eitthvað sé nefnt). Árið 2021 var hann skipaður af International Association of Aesthetics sem aðalritstjóri Transcultural Aesthetics, sem Brill gefur út. Væntanlegt í Studies in Mysticism, Idealism, and Phenomenology with Brill er Safnrit hansum franska heimspekinginn Maine de Biran, Towards a New Anthropology of the Embodied Mind, er væntanlegt hjá Brill.

Dr. Manfred Milz er rannsakandi og gestadósent við Háskólann í Regensburg.

Fyrirlestur Heimspekistofnunar: Manfred Milz