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Stofa 311
Donata Schoeller heldur fyrirlestur á vegum Heimspekistofnunar Háskóla Íslands sem nefnist „Becoming more real in thinking.“
Haldið í stofu 311 í Árnagarði, fimmtudaginn 27. mars kl. 15:00-16:30.
Um fyrirlesturinn
In her lecture, Donata Schoeller will sketch how an embodied and enacted concept of the mind opens up a novel practice space of thinking. This space is challenging and at the same time rewarding, by providing possibilities to overcome alienating restrictions implicit in scientific languages, as well as in listening and debating habits. As a work in progress, her thoughts on these connections circle around the meaning of a „freedom to make sense“ in the context of higher education: how does an embodied approach to the mind and to meaning support students and researchers to find their own true questions, their own voice, and help them make sense of their real experiences and situations in an age of virtualization and AI.
Um fyrirlesarann
Professor Donata Schoeller is the conceptual director of the international research project Freedom to Make Sense (makesense.hi.is). She is a newly appointed research professor in philosophy at the University of Iceland and serves as the academic director of the Erasmus + Training in Embodied Critical Thinking and Understanding project (trainingect.com). Alongside her theoretical research on embodied cognition, classical pragmatism, phenomenology and classical German philosophy, she has undergone extensive training in first person practices such as Focusing, Thinking-at-the-Edge, Micro-phenomenology, and meditation. Based on her research and years of practical training, she developed Embodied Critical Thinking and Understanding in collaboration with Sigridur Thorgeirsdottir. She has fostered a vibrant and motivated community dedicated to interdisciplinary research of embodied, experiential and mindful thinking practices and has published extensively (donataschoeller.com).
Donata Schoeller heldur fyrirlestur á vegum Heimspekistofnunar Háskóla Íslands sem nefnist „Becoming more real in thinking.“