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Mannöld og samhljómur

Mannöld og samhljómur - á vefsíðu Háskóla Íslands
28. febrúar 2024 12:30 til 14:00


Stofa 229

Aðgangur ókeypis

Guðfræðistofnun Háskóla Íslands býður til opins fyrirlesturs Jan Olav Henriksen sem hann nefnir Mannöld og samhljómur (Anthropocene and Resonance).

Fyrirlesturinn fer fram í stofu 229 í Aðalbyggingu þann 28. febrúar kl. 12:30-14:00. Ókeypis þátttaka og öll velkomin. Einnig verður hægt að fylgjast með fyrirlestrinum í streymi á Zoom.   

Um fyrirlesturinn

We live in the Anthropocene – the era when the entire globe is marked by the activity of humans. But not all of human activity is an expression of healthy self-actualization, and some of our activity is even a threat to the continuing development of life on our planet. Theological anthropology needs to formulate an understanding of human life – both in its active and passive aspects – that can give a deeper insight into our connection with other living beings, and thereby contribute to ensuring good living conditions. Such a theological anthropology can be developed in dialogue with philosophical thinkers such as Hartmut Rosa, Hans Jonas and Agustin Fuentes.

The lecture will therefore indirectly argue that an interdisciplinary dialogue with other disciplines is important when articulating a theological view of humanity which, with the help of the insights of the theological tradition, tries to provide a response to today's most important challenges. It will promote an understanding of how our response to the climate change requires more than intellectual and moral responses – it also calls for a new sensibility for how humans participate in nature that must be rooted in our senses.  

Um fyrirlesarann

Jan-Olav Henriksen, dr. theol & philos, is professor of the philosophy of religion in MF Norwegian School of Theology, Religion and Society in Oslo since 1994. He is the author of many books and articles, and theological anthropology is among the topics he has focused on through his career. He is presently working on how theology can find ways to interpret and respond to the climate crisis.

Jan Olav Henriksen.

Mannöld og samhljómur