Svipbrigði sársaukans
1. september 2017 10:00 til 3. september 2017 12:30
Aðgangur ókeypis
Stofa um hugræn fræði við Háskóla Ísland, Hjúkrunarfræðideild Háskóla Íslands og Gervigreindarsetur Háskólans í Reykjavík efna til ráðstefnunnar Mörg andlit sársauka í samstarfi við Borgmenntabók Reykjavíkur. Ráðstefnan fer fram við Háskóla Íslands dagana 1. til 3. september 2017.
Föstudagur 1. september
Árnagarður, stofa 301
- 10.00 – 10.05. Sigríður Zoëga (University of Iceland): Welcome!
- 10.10 – 11.00. Aðalfyrirlestur: Ronald Schleifer (University of Oklahoma): "The Music of Pain: Semiotics, Facticity, and the Possibility of Representing Sensate Experience."
- 11.00 – 11.15. Kaffihlé.
- 11.15 – 12.15. Fyrsta málstofa
- Sigríður Zoëga (University of Iceland): "Pain, is it a problem?"
- Arnór Víkingsson (The National University Hospital of Iceland): "Pain for self-regulation and social harmony.“
- Marianne Klinke (University of Iceland): "Pain in the brain: Insights from body schema alterations observed in hemispatial neglect and in phantom limb experiences.“
- 12.15 – 13.00. Hádegismatur.
- 13.00 – 13.50. Aðalfyrirlestur: Nadia Berthouze (University College, London): "Rethinking technology for chronic pain physical rehabilitation."
- 14.00 –15.00. Önnur málstofa.
- Hannes Högni Vilhjálmsson (Reykjavík University): Crossing from Physical to Virtual Reality.
- Sif Ríkarðsdóttir (University of Iceland): "Pain, Emotion and Embodiment in Old Norse Literature“
- Rannveig S. Sigurvinsdóttir (Reykjavík University): "Improving Mental Health and Well-being Using Virtual Reality."
Laugardagur 2. september
Háskólatorg, stofa 105
- 10.00-10.50. Aðalfyrirlestur: Christopher Eccleston (University of Bath): "Exploring embodied perception: the psychology of physical sensation."
- 10.50-11.10. Kaffihlé.
- 11.10-12.10. Fyrsta málstofa.
- Dagný Kristjánsdóttir (University of Iceland): ""The blood drops are my tears": On cutting and selfharming in YA-literature.“
- Gyða Björnsdóttir (deCODE genetics): Human Pain and Genetics
- Guðni Elísson (University of Iceland): "Why we hate climate change. Evil and the good we seek"
- 12.10-13.00. Hádegishlé.
- 13.00-13.50. Aðalfyrirlestur: Madeleine Hron (Wilfrid Laurier University): "'Unthinkables'?: Translating Refugee Pain in Image and Narrative."
- 13.50-14.10. Kaffihlé.
- 14.10-15. 10. Önnur málstofa: Authors on pain.
- Auður Ava Ólafsdóttir: "Hotel Silence.“
- Naila Zahin Ana: ''How to feel safe on a snowy rock in the middle of the Atlantic.''
- Hallgrimur Helgason: "The Painkilling Process.''
Sunnudagur 3. september
Háskólatorg, stofa 105
- 10.00-10.50. Aðalfyrirlestur: Anne Mulhall (University College of Dublin): "Queer trauma, queer narratives and the politics of testimony in contemporary Irish culture."
- 10.50-11.10. Kaffihlé.
- 11.10 – 12. 10. Fyrsta og síðasta málstofa dagsins.
- Valgerður Sigurðardóttir (The National University Hospital of Iceland): "Pain and suffering at the end of life."
- Gunnþórunn Guðmundsdóttir (University of Iceland): "Archival pains: retrieving and reworking the family archive."
- Bergljót Soffía Kristjánsdóttir (University of Iceland): ""Silence is death": On two poems by Alda Björk Valdimarsdóttir.
12.10. Hannes högni Vilhjálmsson: Farewell!
Skipuleggjendur ráðstefnunnar:
- Bergljót Soffía Kristjánsdóttir, Center for Cognitive Studies, University of Iceland
- Hannes Högni Vilhjálmsson, Center for Analysis and Design of Intelligent Agents, Reykjavik University
- Sigríður Zoëga, Faculty of Nursing, University of Iceland