Fyrirlestur: Hvers vegna er hóphefnd óréttlætanleg?

Veröld - húsi Vigdísar (stofu 007)
Kit R. Christensen, prófessor emeritus við Bemidji State University í Bandaríkjunum, mun halda erindi á vegum Heimspekistofnunar, Siðfræðistofnunar og Alþjóðamálastofnunar 22. september, kl. 12 í stofu 007 í Veröld-húsi Vigdísar. Erindið nefnist Hvers vegna er hóphefnd óréttlætanleg?
Lýsing á erindi: The Nature and Immorality of Collective Revenge. I will first offer an account of what revenge is as a type of retaliatory violence, and how it is different from both retribution and defense against aggression. Second, I will clarify some of the differences between individual and collective agency for purposes of moral evaluation. Third, I will try to show why revenge is never morally mandatory or permissible for either individuals or groups, although under some conditions it might be morally excusable for individuals while not so for groups.
Kit R. Cristensen er höfundur bókarinnar Revenge and Social Conflict sem Cambridge University Press gaf út árið 2016.