Chip Robinson: An Open Secret of Icelandic Otherworldly Communication
![Chip Robinson: An Open Secret of Icelandic Otherworldly Communication - á vefsíðu Háskóla Íslands](
Fyrirlestrar Miðaldastofu Háskóla Íslands
Chip Robinson
An Open Secret of Icelandic Otherworldly Communication
Fimmtudaginn 2. nóvember 2017 kl. 16.30
Lögbergi 101
In this talk, it will be argued that supernatural references in medieval Icelandic literature can be approached in the light of modern Icelandic practice of otherworldly communication. Literary motifs are not merely story elements; rather, they reflect a type of experience for participants and perform a social and cultural function in historical and geographical context, then and now. What is examined is how Icelanders interact with the other world, that is, the deceased, guardian spirits, and nature beings through prophetic dreams, mediums, and direct experience in landscape and in community. Recent multidisciplinary research is considered along with current folk practice, that is, scholarly and popular aspects. Supernatural phenomena are mediated in numerous ways, not just by mediums but also by media, nature, clergy, dreams, guardian spirits, folklore, and medieval literature, to arrive at what is termed an ethnography of the other world. Syncretic traditions are taken into account as they conceal parallel spiritual experiences and practices in Icelandic society including in the beyond, or hinum megin. As a comparative study on an island over time there is cultural durability in such concepts as spáfólk, álagablettir, að vitja nafns, berdreyminn, and bænahringir—an open secret of Icelandic otherworldly communication.
Chip Robinson lauk doktorsprófi í germönskum málum frá Kaliforníuháskóla í Los Angeles (UCLA) 2017, meistaraprófi í íslenskum miðaldafræðum frá Háskóla Íslands 2015, meistaraprófi í skandinavískum málum frá Kaliforníuháskóla í Los Angeles (UCLA) 2013 og meistaraprófi í bókasafns- og upplýsingafræði frá Simmons College í Boston 2004. Chip starfaði við Harvard College Library 1995-2010.
Fyrirlesturinn verður fluttur á ensku og er öllum opinn.
Miðaldastofa Háskóla Íslands
Chip Robinson lauk doktorsprófi í germönskum málum frá Kaliforníuháskóla í Los Angeles (UCLA) 2017, meistaraprófi í íslenskum miðaldafræðum frá Háskóla Íslands 2015, meistaraprófi í skandinavískum málum frá Kaliforníuháskóla í Los Angeles (UCLA) 2013 og meistaraprófi í bókasafns- og upplýsingafræði frá Simmons College í Boston 2004. Chip starfaði við Harvard College Library 1995-2010.