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Stafræn hugvísindi í verki

Stafræn hugvísindi í verki - á vefsíðu Háskóla Íslands
13. september 2024 15:00 til 16:00


Stofa 218

Aðgangur ókeypis

Dr. Helga Thorson, fræðimaður við Victoríu-háskóla í Kanada, flytur opinn fyrirlestur um stafræn hugvísindi í verki. 

Fyrirlesturinn verður haldinn í stofu 218 í Eddu, föstudaginn 13. september kl. 15:00. 

Um fyrirlesturinn

In this presentation, Dr. Helga Thorson describes a digital humanities project undertaken with students at the University of Victoria in partnership with the “Servitengasse 1938” working group in Vienna. This collaborative endeavor digitally maps the trajectories of the Jewish residents and shopkeepers of the Servitengasse between 1938 and 1945. Serving as a microcosm for understanding the horrors of the Shoah and for gathering the stories of the 426 individuals who lived and worked on the street in March 1938, the completed site sheds light on how one street in one particular neighborhood in Vienna was affected by Nazi terror.  This presentation exemplifies how digital humanities can be used effectively as both a research and a teaching tool.

Dr. Helga Thorson

Stafræn hugvísindi í verki