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Málstofa í hugmynda- og vísindasögu: Ciaran Fiona Mcdonough

Málstofa í hugmynda- og vísindasögu: Ciaran Fiona Mcdonough - á vefsíðu Háskóla Íslands
12. september 2024 16:00 til 17:00


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Ciaran Fiona Mcdonough, nýdoktor við Sagnfræðistofnun HÍ, flytur opinn fyrirlestur í málstofu um hugmynda- og vísindasögu sem Sagnfræðistofnun HÍ stendur fyrir á þessu haustmisseri.

Fyrirlesturinn nefnist „Performing Peer-Review in Nineteenth-Century Irish Studies“ og verður haldinn í stofu 303 í Árnagarði fimmtudaginn 12. september kl. 16:00. 

Um fyrirlesturinn: 

This paper explores the shifting nature of Celtic Studies across the nineteenth century in Ireland, focusing on the professionalisation of scholars in the discipline during the second half of the century and how this differed from earlier on. It raises questions about access to education and training, investigating the politicisation of the field and confessional discrimination in Ireland during this period.

Using the example of two of the most prominent Irish scholars in the first half of the nineteenth century, John O’Donovan and Eugene O’Curry, this talk traces their careers in Irish Studies. Both Catholics, they faced confessional discrimination from the institutions and learned societies for which they worked, echoing the centuries old patron/amanuensis system. They both came from rural backgrounds, but O’Donovan’s social standing and his access to primary and secondary education meant that he was often promoted over his long-time collaborator and brother in law. Yet, they both often were passed over for opportunities by their Protestant counterparts. Both O’Donovan and O’Curry ended their lives as professors at universities in Ireland, but the professionalisation of the discipline in the meantime meant that they were considered lesser scholars by those who had university degrees in this subject area. This paper ultimately asks the question that, with all these developments in the field and who had access to knowledge and what kind, who should be considered an expert in the field of Irish Studies in Ireland?

Ciaran Fiona Mcdonough, nýdoktor við Sagnfræðistofnun HÍ.

Málstofa í hugmynda- og vísindasögu: Ciaran Fiona Mcdonough