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Stutt við stafræna miðlun á rannsóknum á Dauðahafshandritunum

Stutt við stafræna miðlun á rannsóknum á Dauðahafshandritunum - á vefsíðu Háskóla Íslands
17. september 2024 15:00 til 16:00



Aðgangur ókeypis

Hilda Deborah, sérfræðingur við Vísinda- og tækniháskólann í Noregi (NTNU), flytur opinn fyrirlestur á vegum Miðstöðvar stafrænna hugvísinda og lista. Fyrirlesturinn ber yfirskriftina „Enabling data storytelling for the Dead Sea Scrolls research: An experience sharing.“

Haldið í stofu 218 í Eddu, þriðjudaginn 17. september kl. 15-16. Verið öll velkomin.

Nánar um fyrirlesturinn

The Lying Pen of Scribes: Manuscript Forgeries, Digital Imaging, and Critical Provenance Research” is a (soon-to-end) project funded by the Research Council of Norway where a team of scholars and researchers sought to produce a comprehensive resource of data, methods, and procedures for the interdisciplinary study of the Dead Sea Scrolls (DSS) manuscripts and fragments. Throughout the duration of the project, there have been many disconnected spreadsheet databases created by different people to answer different questions. Some of them are the exhibitions, publications/editions, and even the colors of the DSS. As a computer scientist, I could not even name the field each database falls under, whether it is history or theology or philology, for example. But I could see them as a large web of interconnected knowledge of the DSS and Qumran studies that needs to be connected and opened to the world as such. And so, our team embarked on developing the joint Lying Pen of Scribes database, integrating one spreadsheet at a time. Through representing this knowledge in the form of a relational database, we have also been able to produce engaging and interactive data visualizations that effectively communicate insights from the hard data that have been collected. In this talk, I will share my experience in this interdisciplinary effort, as well as give a demo of the platform we have been building.

Hilda Deborah, sérfræðingur við Vísinda- og tækniháskólann í Noregi (NTNU).

Stutt við stafræna miðlun á rannsóknum um Dauðahafshandritunum