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Nýjar rannsóknir í fornleifafræði: Katherine Fennelly

Nýjar rannsóknir í fornleifafræði: Katherine Fennelly - á vefsíðu Háskóla Íslands
21. mars 2024 12:00 til 13:00


Aðgangur ókeypis

Katherine Fennelly heldur fyrirlesturinn „Objectionable sounds and scary noises: the built heritage and cultural consumption of the historic lunatic asylum“ í fyrirlestraröðinni Nýjar rannsóknir í íslenskri fornleifafræði. 

Fyrirlesturinn verður haldinn í streymi á Zoom miðvikudaginn 20. mars kl. 12:00. 

Um fyrirlesturinn

This paper revisits work on soundscapes and asylum interiors, reflecting on how this research has developed in the ten years since it was published. The paper will reflect on the ideas around institutional archaeology, sound and movement in historic buildings, the research conducted in support of this work, and the fieldwork carried out. The paper will also critically reflect on the choices made in deciding on a methodology, and how this paper has contributed to further work on asylum interiors and soundscapes.

Katherine Fennelly.

Nýjar rannsóknir í fornleifafræði: Katherine Fennelly