Kóreskar sjálfsmyndir á Íslandi
Veröld - Hús Vigdísar
Heimasvæði tungumálanna
Kóresk fræði við Háskóla Íslands og King Sejong stofnunin efna til fyrirlestra um kóreska innflytjendur á Íslandi.
Fyrirlestrarnir verða á ensku og eru öllum opnir.
Gamin Choi flytur fyrirlestur á Heimasvæði tungumálanna í Veröld, 12. nóvember kl. 13:20-14:20.
Hye Joung flytur fyrirlestur á Heimasvæði tungumálann í Veröld, 14. nóvember kl. 13:20-14:20.
Nánar um fyrirlestrana:
Gamin Choi and Hye Joung will share their personal stories of being Korean in Iceland. Having moved to Iceland as a teen and young adult, they will discuss how this journey has shaped their cultural identities and sense of belonging.
Gamin Choi is a Korean-Icelandic person who arrived in Iceland as a teen. Gamin later lived in Denmark for years, and has since returned ”home” to Iceland.
Hye Joung Park is born and raised in South Korea, Hye Joung came of age in Iceland, where she now works as an artist and art educator.
Gamin Choi og Hye Joung.