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Háskynseginskóli - á vefsíðu Háskóla Íslands
17. október 2024 14:00 til 16:00

Fyrirlestrasal Þjóðarbókhlöðu

Aðgangur ókeypis

Fyrsta opna „Stiminar“ Anfinns verkefnisins um skynsegin skapandi samvinnu. Haldið í fyrirlestrasal Þjóðarbókhlöðu, fimmtudaginn 17. október kl. 14:00-16:00. 

Nánar um viðburðinn

Everyone in HÍ is invited to a short seminar to discuss how the university environment could be more accessible for neurodivergent students and staff.

This seminar is part of the Anfinn project currently being conducted in the university by Dr Kathy D'Arcy.

Neurodivergent students and staff are invited to share their experiences and ideas; Everyone else on campus is invited to listen, learn, and join the discussion.

The seminar will be live-streamed and autism-friendly. It will be conducted in English.

Further details including accessibility information will shortly be available at the project website 

If you have relevant experiences or ideas that you would prefer to share with the seminar anonymously, please email

Project supported by the Icelandic Research Fund grant no. 239667-051


Fyrsta opna „Stiminar“ Anfinns verkefnisins um skynsegin skapandi samvinnu. Haldið í fyrirlestrasal Þjóðarbókhlöðu, fimmtudaginn 17. október kl. 14:00-16:00. 
