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Future Fusion: Unleashing Creativity and Skills for Tomorrow's Education - Open talk

Future Fusion: Unleashing Creativity and Skills for Tomorrow's Education - Open talk - á vefsíðu Háskóla Íslands
6. nóvember 2024 15:00 til 16:30


Hátíðarsalur aðalbygging

Aðgangur ókeypis

Í tilefni af Alþjóðaviku Háskóla Íslands heldur dr. Anne Bamford, kennari, listakona og leiðtogi á sviði menntunar erindið Future Fusion: Unleashing Creativity and Skills for Tomorrow's Education, í Hátíðarsal, Háskóla Íslands miðivkudaginn 6. nóvember kl. 14.30-16.30. Erindið fer fram á ensku.


As we enter a new era shaped by unprecedented technological advances and global challenges, the future of education must focus on cultivating a fusion of skills that encompass creativity, critical thinking, and adaptability across all levels of learning. This talk will explore how creativity, often sidelined in traditional education models, is becoming a core competency essential for navigating the complexities of the modern world. By integrating creative problem-solving with cognitive, emotional, and digital skills, students can develop the ability to innovate, collaborate, and respond to emerging challenges in fields such as AI, sustainability, and social justice. We will examine how interdisciplinary learning, design thinking, and project-based education can unleash creativity in students, preparing them for careers that require out-of-the-box thinking and a capacity for lifelong learning. The talk will also consider the importance of reimagining research and teaching methods to foster environments where creativity thrives, making it a central component of education’s future at every level. Creativity alongside technical and interpersonal skills will empower the next generation to become curious, resilient and innovative problem solvers in an ever-evolving world.

Um Anne Bamford:

An educational futurist, Professor Dr Anne Bamford OBE is Director of the International Research Agency, CEO of the Frankie Lowe Foundation and President of the Education Inspiring Peace Laboratory and was the former Strategic Education and Skills Director for the City of London. Anne has been recognised nationally and internationally for her research in the arts, fusion skills, emerging literacies, and visual communication. She is an expert in the international dimension of education and skills and talent development and through her research, she has pursued issues of creativity, technology, innovation, social impact and equity and diversity. She is currently guiding a renewal of research strategies and processes within the University of Iceland.


Bamford var ytri ráðgjafi í sjálfsmatsferli Menntavísindasviðs árin 2022 og 2023. Hún starfaði um árabil sem yfirmaður menntamála hjá City of London sem er elsti borgarhluti Londonborgar. Hún hefur hlotið alþjóðlegar viðurkenningar fyrir rannsóknir sínar á tengslum menntunar, lista, sköpunar og tækni. Hún kynnti hugtakið „heildstæð hæfni“ (e. fusion skills) til að lýsa þeirri hæfni sem þarf til að blómstra nú og í framtíðinni. Anne hefur um árabil starfað fyrir UNESCO og sem ráðgjafi, m.a. fyrir menntayfirvöld Danmerkur, Hollands, Belgíu, Íslands, Hong Kong, Írlands og Noregs.

Dr. Anne Bamford, kennari, listakona og leiðtogi á sviði menntunar heldur erindið Future Fusion: Unleashing Creativity and Skills for Tomorrow's Education, í Hátíðarsal, Háskóla Íslands miðivkudaginn 6. nóvember kl. 14.30-16.30. Erindið fer fram á ensku.

Future Fusion: Unleashing Creativity and Skills for Tomorrow's Education