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Fornleifafræði í Japan og Kóreu

Fornleifafræði í Japan og Kóreu - á vefsíðu Háskóla Íslands
12. mars 2024 12:30 til 13:30

Veröld - Hús Vigdísar

Heimasvæði tungumálanna

Aðgangur ókeypis

Unnur Bjarnadóttir, stundakennari og útgefandi, fjallar um fornleifafræði í Japan og Kóreu í hádegisspjalli námsgreinar í japönskum fræðum við Mála- og menningardeild Háskóla Íslands. 

Haldið á Heimasvæði tungumálanna í Veröld, þriðjudaginn 12. mars kl. 12:30-13:30. Fyrirlesturinn verður fluttur á ensku. Verið öll velkomin.

Um fyrirlesturinn

The presentation will focus on the Japanese Jōmon period (ca. 10,500 to ca. 300 BCE), the first period of Japanese history for which the only evidence is archaeological, and the workings of an excavation on a Jōmon period site. Then the discussion will turn to the archaeology of the subsequent Yayoi (ca. 300 BCE to ca. 250 CE) and Kofun (ca. 250 to 552) periods, as well as Korean sites from the Three Kingdoms period (ca. 57 BCE to 668 CE) which are contemporary to the Japanese Kofun period. Finally, some political considerations of archaeology in the two countries will be discussed, as well as how it relates to the relationship between them.

Unnur Bjarnadóttir completed an MA degree in the archaeology and heritage of Asia from University College London in 2023. After graduation, she took part in two archaeological excavations last autumn, one in Japan and another one in South Korea. Unnur also has an MA degree in translation studies from the University of Iceland and an MA degree in transcultural studies from Heidelberg University, Germany. Unnur has a BA degree in Japanese language and culture from the University of Iceland. Unnur has studied at both Nagoya University, Japan, and at Seoul National University, South Korea.

In 2021, she published her first book, Ævintýri frá Kóreu og Japan [Fairy Tales from Korea and Japan], and in 2023 she published its sequel Goðsögur frá Kóreu og Japan [Myths from Korea and Japan]. She is currently working as an assistant teacher and guest lecturer at the University of Iceland and as a tutor at the university’s Writing Center.

Unnur Bjarnadóttir.

Fornleifafræði í Japan og Kóreu