Bitabox: Shilpa Khatri Babbar
Veröld - Hús Vigdísar
Heimasvæði tungumála
Shilpa Khatri Babbar, ICCR Chair of Indian Studies/ICCR og gestakennari í indverskum fræðum við Háskóla Íslands, heldur fyrirlestur um tungumál á Indlandi. Fyrirlesturinn ber heiti „An unboxed flavour of India“ og verður haldinn á ensku.
Haldið á Heimasvæði tungumálanna á 2. hæð í Veröld - Húsi Vigdísar, 7. nóvember kl. 15:00-16:00.
Bitabox RÍM eru óformlegur vettvangur til að kynna rannsóknir í annarsmálsfræðum.
Um erindið
“India is a land of twenty-two official languages, with Hindi being one of them. The prominence of the language lies in the fact that Hindi is the world´s third most spoken language with about 49 different dialects. It belongs to the Indo-Aryan sub-family of Indo-European languages and is the descendant of the classical Sanskrit language. Despite its numerical visibility, it is still struggling to break the fetters of colonialization and enjoy the status of a staged decorated language. In the presentation, we shall collectively experience the meticulously arranged alphabets, stimulating phonetics resting on the power of sound/s, and the power of noun in gender and plurality.”
Shilpa Khatri Babbar