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Valdefling ungra kvenna af ólíkum uppruna

Valdefling ungra kvenna af ólíkum uppruna - á vefsíðu Háskóla Íslands
3. september 2024 16:00 til 18:00

Veröld - Hús Vigdísar

Heimasvæði tungumálanna

Aðgangur ókeypis

Vigdísarstofnun, alþjóðleg miðstöð tungumála og menningar, efnir til opins málþings um valdeflingu ungra kvenna af ólíkum uppruna. Málþingið verður haldið á Heimasvæði tungumála (stofa 201) í Veröld, þriðjudaginn 3. september kl. 16:00-18:00. Að málþinginu loknu verður boðið til móttöku á sýningunni „Ljáðu mér vængi“ í Loftskeytastöðinni. 

Óskað er eftir að gestir skrái sig til þátttöku fyrir 2. september með því að smella hér.  

Málþingið er hluti af verkefninu „Educated Roma women, empowered Roma communities!” sem Vigdísarstofnun hefur átt aðild að síðan 2021. 

Um málþingið

As societies strive toward greater equality in today’s interconnected world, the experiences and challenges of minority women, including young women from Roma communities and other minoritised groups, require focused attention. Iceland, known for its commitment to gender equality, provides a unique platform to explore these issues and share successful strategies for empowerment.

This public event will bring together experts, activists, educators, academics, and young women to highlight initiatives and practices concerning girls' and women's rights. The primary objective of this event is to shine a spotlight on successful initiatives, with Iceland’s participation, that have empowered young women from minority backgrounds. It will also explore the common challenges organisations and institutions face working with young women of minority backgrounds and discuss practical solutions.

At the end of the panels, there will be a guided tour of the Vigdís Exhibition and informal networking over refreshments.

Panel 1: Presentations of projects

  • Suzana Kunac and Marija Ferković, project “Educated Roma Women—Empowered Roma Communities” of the Union of Roma in Croatia.
  • Auður Önnu Magnúsdóttir, Executive director of Women’s Rights Association
  • Magnea Marinosdóttir, “Femme Power” EU project  
  • María Hjálmtýsdóttir, Head of the Association of Gender Study Teachers and a teacher in upper secondary school.
  • Q&A

Moderator: Sofiya Zahova

Panel 2: Panel Discussion on Global Issues

  • Christina Milcher, Board member, W.O.M.E.N. in Iceland
  • Irma Erlingsdóttir, GRÓ GEST, Gender Equality Studies & Training Programme, University of Iceland
  • Maja Grubišić, Director of Roma Information and Cultural Center, Croatian Roma Union “Kali Sara”
  • Stella Samúelsdóttir, Executive Director, UN Women Iceland

Moderator: Auður Önnu Magnúsdóttir

Vigdísarstofnun, alþjóðleg miðstöð tungumála og menningar, efnir til opins málþings um valdeflingu ungra kvenna af ólíkum uppruna. Málþingið verður haldið á Heimasvæði tungumála (stofa 201) í Veröld, þriðjudaginn 3. september kl. 16:00-18:00.

Valdefling ungra kvenna af ólikum bakgrunni