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Nýjar rannsóknir í fornleifafræði: Alice E. Watterson

Nýjar rannsóknir í fornleifafræði: Alice E. Watterson - á vefsíðu Háskóla Íslands
21. febrúar 2024 12:00 til 13:00

Veröld - Hús Vigdísar


Aðgangur ókeypis

Alice E. Watterson heldur fyrirlesturinn „Community, Co-design and Climate: A case study in public outreach for Arctic Archaeology“ í fyrirlestraröðinni Nýjar rannsóknir í íslenskri fornleifafræði. 

Fyrirlesturinn verður haldinn í Auðarsal (stofu 023) í Veröld - húsi Vigdísar miðvikudaginn 21. febrúar kl. 12:00-13:00. Einnig verður hægt að fylgjast með honum í streymi á Zoom. Verið öll velkomin.

Nýjar rannsóknir í íslenskri fornleifafræði er fyrirlestraröð Félags fornleifafræðinga, námsbrautar í fornleifafræði við HÍ og Þjóðminjasafns Íslands. Smellið hér til að kynna ykkur dagskrá vormisseris 2024.

Um fyrirlesturinn

"Visualisation makes the invisible visible. It brings artists and scientists together to create images which tell a story. From archaeological excavations to museum collections, this imagery can take complex research and make it accessible to broad audiences. But science is only part of the story, particularly in an Indigenous context local communities also have an important role to play in reconstructing the past.

In this talk, reconstruction artist Alice Watterson will reflect on the experiences of working with archaeologists and local community in Quinhagak, Alaska to co-design educational resources for the Nunalleq Archaeology Project. The project aims to connect art and science with the lived experiences and traditional knowledge of a Native Yup'ik community. The talk will discuss the successes and challenges of co-curation and multivocality in practice, addressing what role creative media can play in addressing ever evolving challenges in heritage communication, source community representation and the creation of new knowledge and meaning for archaeological narratives."

Alice E. Watterson

Nýjar rannsóknir í fornleifafræði: Alice E. Watterson