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Málþing: So far, so close. Polish and Icelandic Romanticism

Málþing: So far, so close. Polish and Icelandic Romanticism - á vefsíðu Háskóla Íslands
4. nóvember 2022 16:00 til 20:00

Veröld - Hús Vigdísar

2. hæð

Aðgangur ókeypis

Málþingið So far, so close. Polish and Icelandic Romanticism verður haldið þann 4. nóvember í Veröld – húsi Vigdísar, 2. hæð.

Málþingið er skipulagt af Stofnun Vigdísar Finnbogadóttur í erlendum tungumálum, Sendiráði Póllands, Tungumálamiðstöð Háskóla Íslands og Bókmennta- og listfræðastofnun Háskóls Íslands


16:00-17:15 Panel I:  Polish and Icelandic Romanticism in a European Context

Panel introduction with presentation of short poems

The panel discusses the particularities of Polish and Icelandic Romanticism within the wider context of Romanticism as an intellectual, cultural, and literary movement in Europe. Using Iceland and Poland as examples, the panel examines the connections between and mutual influence of Romantic movements on opposite ends of the continent.

Prof. Guðni Elísson, University of Iceland, Faculty of Icelandic and Comparative Cultural Studies, Outside and Inside of History: Czesław Miłosz, Robinson Jeffers, and Icelandic Romanticism.

Mr. Jakub Pyda, University of Warsaw, Poland and the Romantic Myth of the North. In Search of a Modern Identity.

Chair: Guðrún Kristinsdóttir, Postdoc, The Vigdís Finnbogadóttir Institute of Foreign Languages.

17:15 – 17:30 Coffee break

17:30 – 18:45 Panel II:  Romanticism and National Identity in the Absence of Sovereignty

Panel introduction with presentation of short poems

The panel focuses on the role that Romantic literature has played in shaping and reshaping national identity in Poland and Iceland. It highlights both the similarities and differences between the Polish and the Icelandic understanding of Romanticism in the context of a struggle for independence and state sovereignty.

Prof. Krystyna Jaworska, University of Turin (Italy),  Romanticism Beyond Borders.

Prof. Sveinn Yngvi Egilsson, University of Iceland, Faculty of Icelandic and Comparative Cultural Studies:  The Homeland as a Sorrowful Woman and Other Representations of Territorial Kinship in Romantic Nationalism.

Chair: Stefano Rosatti, Adjunct lecturer of Italian Studies at the University of Iceland.

18:45- 20:00  Reception

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Málþing: So far, so close. Polish and Icelandic Romanticism

Málþing: So far, so close. Polish and Icelandic Romanticism