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Málstofa Lífvísindaseturs - Scientific innovation, the potential and the pitfalls

Málstofa Lífvísindaseturs - Scientific innovation, the potential and the pitfalls - á vefsíðu Háskóla Íslands
1. febrúar 2024 12:30 til 13:10



Aðgangur ókeypis

Málstofa Lífvísindaseturs fimmtudaginn 1. febrúar kl. 12:30 í Öskju, stofu N-132

Fyrirlesari: Einar Mäntylä, CEO Auðna TTO Iceland, Gróska, Vatnsmýri

Titill: Scientific innovation, the potential and the pitfalls

Ágrip: The path from research to innovation can be arduous and you will need help along the way. Knowledge- and technology transfer is a service to scientists and academia where research results and inventions are analysed, reviewed and guided towards social impact. No tech transfer office is the same and this is how we do it in Iceland. Auðna TTO Iceland is a non-profit organisation owned by all the universities, Landspítali, public research institutes and the Federation of Industries. We analyse results/inventions from the scientific community with regard to intellectual property and the market. We provide training for scientists in scientific innovation and an opportunity to consider the commercial potential in their research. We monitor the eventual patenting process and advice on funding opportunities, IP strategy and initial business development. 

Starfsferill: Einar Mäntylä, Ph.D. in Molecular Genetics, Exec.MBA in Innovation and Business Creation. Einar has 30+ years experience in life science, biotech and innovation. Research within climate adaptation and pathogen responses of plants, plant molecular farming and antimicrobial peptides. Awarded serial entrepreneur, cofounder of ORF Genetics and Disact, innovation manager of University of Iceland, past board member in Icelandic Startups, UoI Science Park and several startups. Expert reviewer in national, Nordic and European science and innovation funds.  Currently the CEO of Auðna TTO Iceland – the national knowledge and technology transfer office

Einar Mäntylä, CEO Auðna TTO Iceland, Gróska

Málstofa Lífvísindaseturs - Scientific innovation, the potential and the pitfalls