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Málstofa Lífvísindaseturs: Mímir II - Ný ofurtölva fyrir lífupplýsingafræði

Málstofa Lífvísindaseturs: Mímir II - Ný ofurtölva fyrir lífupplýsingafræði - á vefsíðu Háskóla Íslands
15. september 2022 12:00 til 13:00
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Málstofa Lífvísindaseturs fimmtudaginn 15. september kl. 12:00 í Læknagarði, stofu Lg-343

Fyrirlesara: Dr. Elvar Örn Jónsson sérfræðingur á Raunvísinastofnun og Dr. Snævar Sigurðsson rannsóknasérfræðingur á Lífvísindasetri HÍ

Titill: Mímir II - Ný ofurtölva fyrir lífupplýsingafræði

Ágrip: A new and much improved computer cluster designed for bioinformatic work called Mimir2 has been installed and is replacing the old computer cluster Mimir. Mimir will be decommissioned in the coming days, hence, everyone thinking about large scale data analysis that could benefit from using the new computer cluster is encouraged to apply for access to Mimir2. 

In this BMC seminar we will tell you all about the power of the new Mimir2 and answer all the questions you have about how to use the computer cluster. Suggestions for improved usage are welcomed.

Starfsferill: Elvar Örn Jónsson: BSc in Chemistry from University of Iceland, PhD in Physics from the Technical University of Denmark. Post-Doc at the Department of Applied Physics Aalto University Finland. Current, Research Associate Prof. Science Institute, University of Iceland, with focus on atomic scale methods and simulations. System administrator of HPC resources, UTS, University of Iceland.


Snævar Sigurðsson has BSc in Biochemistry from University of Iceland, PhD in Molecular Medicine from Uppsala University Sweden. Did his post-doc at Uppsala University and Broad Institute Cambridge, MA, US. Then worked as project manager at Decode genetics before joining the University of Iceland, Biomedical center as the manager of the Bioinformatics core facility. 

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Dr Elvar Örn Jónsson og Dr. Snævar Sigurðursson

Málstofa Lífvísindaseturs: Mímir II - Ný ofurtölva fyrir lífupplýsingafræði