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Aflýst! Páll, hin heiðnu og gyðingleg löggjöf: Ný svör við gömlum spurningum

Aflýst! Páll, hin heiðnu og gyðingleg löggjöf: Ný svör við gömlum spurningum - á vefsíðu Háskóla Íslands
25. október 2023 13:20 til 14:50


Stofa 229

Aðgangur ókeypis

Fyrirlestrinum hefur verið aflýst!

Dr. Paula Fredriksen heldur fyrirlestur á málstofu Guðfræðistofnunar HÍ 25. október kl. 13:20-14:50 í stofu A229, Aðalbyggingu Háskóla Íslands. Fyrirlesturinn nefnist „Páll, hin heiðnu og gyðingleg löggjöf: Ný svör við gömlum spurningum“.

Málstofan verður á ensku og öllum opin, þeim að kostnaðarlausu. Málstofunni verður streymt. Sjá upplýsingar hér fyrir neðan um Zoom aðgang.

Dr. Paula Fredriksen holds a lecture at the Seminar of the Institute of Theology, University of Iceland, Oct 25, 2023, at 13:20-14:50 in room A229 in Main Building, University of Iceland. The lecture is in English and free to the public. Information for Zoom-link is included below.

Útdráttur (á ensku): 

Jewish law is the stone that Christian theologians have long rejected. They find their warrant in the letters of Paul. Through Paul, especially via Luther, law has served as the opposite of “grace” and “faith;” indeed, as the defining difference between Judaism and Christianity. What happens if we think of Jewish law not as a category of Christian theology, but as an element of ancient kinship construction, “ancestral custom” (Galatians 1.14)? We will see how Paul’s address to ethnic others determines what he says about Jewish practice. We will see how Jewish law provides, not the contrast to Paul’s gospel, but much of its content. We will see how Paul’s gospel rejects not Jewish law, but gentile gods. And we will gain new answers to old questions about the way that Christ’s spirit, for Paul, effects human redemption.

Um Paula Fredriksen (á ensku):

Paula Fredriksen, a fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, is Aurelio Professor of Scripture emerita at Boston University and Distinguished Visiting Professor emerita in the Department of Comparative Religions at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, which awarded her an honorary doctorate in 2018. She has published widely on the social and intellectual history of ancient Christianity, and on pagan-Jewish Christian relations in the Roman Empire. Her two recent studies, Paul: The Pagans’ Apostle (2017), and When Christians Were Jews (2018), place the Jesus movement’s Jewish messianic message within the wider world of ancient Mediterranean culture, politics, and power.

Streymisupplýsingar /Information for Zoom:

Topic: Paula Fredriksen. Paul, Pagans and Jewish law 231023

Time: Oct 25, 2023 11:00 AM Reykjavik

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Meeting ID: 668 2139 1193

Paula Fredriksen

Páll, hin heiðnu og gyðingleg löggjöf: Ný svör við gömlum spurningum