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Greining landslagsbreytinga á Íslandi með nýjum aðferðum í úrvinnslu stereómynda

Greining landslagsbreytinga á Íslandi með nýjum aðferðum í úrvinnslu stereómynda - á vefsíðu Háskóla Íslands
26. október 2023 12:30 til 13:00


367 og í streymi

Aðgangur ókeypis

Opinn fyrirlestur á vegum Fjarkönnunarseturs Háskóla Íslands.

Hlekkur á streymi:

Fyrirlesarar eru Sydney Gunnarson, sérfræðingur fjarkönnunar hjá  Landmælingum Íslands og Joaquín Belart, fagstjóri fjarkönnunar hjá Landmælingum Íslands.


Analysis of stereo images from multiple platforms, such as drones, airplanes, or satellites, can provide invaluable information on changes in the landscape throughout time. We present a series of novel techniques used for handling large optical remote sensing datasets, mainly consisting of aerial photographs and satellite stereoimages, using automated pipelines and open-source software, with the goal of creating Digital Elevation Models (DEMs) and orthoimages to quantify changes in the landscape. These automated techniques lead to faster processing without the need for in-situ nor manually digitized ground control points. This is particularly suitable for evaluating large-scale landscape changes where accurate ground control is difficult to come by. We present two applications as case-studies: (1) near-real time monitoring of the effusion rate of the August 2022 Meradalir volcanic eruption and (2) measurement of glacier mass balance from stereoimages.

Joaquín Belart og Sydney Gunnarson

Greining landslagsbreytinga á Íslandi með nýjum aðferðum í úrvinnslu stereómynda