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Pólskir dagar

Pólskir dagar - á vefsíðu Háskóla Íslands
5. apríl 2022 18:00 til 7. apríl 2022 19:00

Veröld - Hús Vigdísar

Aðgangur ókeypis

Pólskir dagar verða haldnir í Veröld – húsi Vigdísar dagana 5.-7. apríl. Dagarnir eru skipulagðir af Tungumálamiðstöð Háskóla Íslands og Vigdísarstofnun í samstarfi við Háskólann í Varsjá og Sendiráð Póllands í Reykjavík. Aðgangur er ókeypis á alla viðburðina.


5. apríl kl. 18:00, kvikmyndasýning: Jak najdalej stąd (I Never Cry), (Piotr Domalewski 2020).  Veröld – hús Vigdísar, Auðarsalur.

6. apríl kl. 17:00, fyrirlestur: Emigration and Immigration in Contemporary Polish Literature and Film (Justyna Zych). Veröld – hús Vigdísar, stofa 008. (sjá úrdrátt á ensku hér að neðan)

7. apríl kl. 17:00, kvikmyndasýning: Śniegu już nigdy nie będzie (Never Gonna Snow Again), (Małgorzata Szumowska & Michał Englert 2020). Veröld – hús Vigdísar, Auðarsalur.

Ókeypis er á alla viðburðina. Fyrirlestrarnir verða haldnir á ensku og kvikmyndirnar sýndar með enskum texta. Sjá nánari upplýsingar um fyrirlestur Justynu Zych á ensku hér fyrir neðan.

Emigration and Immigration in Contemporary Polish Literature and Film                 
Poland has a long tradition of emigration going back to the 19th century. It is estimated that about 20 million people of Polish origin live abroad. The most recent wave of emigration after 2004 brought thousands of Poles to Great Britain, Ireland, also Iceland. Emigration has been an important topic of Polish literature and film, inspiring generations of writers and directors.

But did you know that recently Poland has been admitting the largest number of immigrants in the entirety of the European Union? Thanks to its economic growth, Poland has become a destination for newcomers from beyond its Eastern border, mainly Ukraine. It also attracts immigrants from Georgia, India, Bangladesh, Vietnam, China, and Nepal. Due to the current tragic war in Ukraine, already 1.8 million refugees have found shelter in Poland.

Therefore, the demographic landscape of Poland has been significantly changing. These changes have been naturally reflected in contemporary Polish literature, especially in reportage (literary journalism), and film, which attempt to convey the growing multiculturality of the Polish society.

During the lecture, a number of examples of contemporary Polish literary works, movies, and TV shows raising the topic of emigration and immigration will be discussed in the context of the present situation in Poland.

Dr. Justyna Zych is an Assistant Professor at the Polonicum Centre of Polish Language and Culture for Foreigners at the University of Warsaw and the Deputy Director of this department.  
Author of a monograph L’influence de la psychanalyse sur la critique littéraire en France (1914-1939) [Warsaw 2014] and numerous articles on contemporary Polish and French literature, as well as on methodology of teaching Polish culture. Editor-in-chief of the series “Studia Glottodydaktyczne”.

Pólskir dagar

Pólskir dagar