Terry Gunnell fjallar um flutning eddukvæða

Fyrsti fyrirlestur í viðburðaröð sem haldin er í tengslum við sýninguna Heimur í orðum verður haldinn 14. janúar. Þá mun prófessor emeritus Terry Gunnell þjóðfræðingur fjalla um flutning eddukvæða bæði hér á landi og erlendis. En margir listamenn hafa nýtt sér þennan menningararf til listsköpunar.
Fyrirlesturinn nefnist „The Changing Function and Performative Contexts of Vǫluspá Past and Present“ og verður hann fluttur á ensku.
Nánar um fyrirlesturinn:
The question of function is something comparatively rarely discussed in the field of Old Nordic literary studies outside considerations of reception. It is nonetheless a key feature in any discussion of performance, and not least the discussion of any work that has been created and passed on within the oral tradition. In this lecture, I mean to consider the changing function of Vǫluspá, past and present, considering among other things, the ways in which the work has started regularly reappearing in music and theatrical works over the last few years, and its role in the present exhibition. Particular focus will be nonetheless be placed on nature, function and performative background of the “original” work, and how it came to be preserved in Iceland in the early thirteenth century.
Prófessor emeritus Terry Gunnell þjóðfræðingur fjallar um flutning eddukvæða bæði hér á landi og erlendis.